Thursday, October 29, 2015

Puyush's argument

In Puyush’s argument regarding computers I found it a little difficult throughout the paper to tell if the topic was in fact in support of computers. Not until the conclusion did I totally feel that was made clear. In response to the argument I believe books are important for primary education. While computers are the way of the future and allow for more space as books are consolidated on one device the merits of written text cannot be forgot. I feel that in the argument the author in fact argues more convincingly in the favor of books. Books are important for the primary education of youth. Children need to be experienced in how to navigate written texts as well as reading on a paper source. Just because we are moving into the new digital world doesn’t mean that paper sources will be all but eliminated. Students need to be prepared for reading and study from all elements and computers cannot simulate an actual source. Books provide a physical presence but along with that a student having books in school teaches responsibility. This lesson could not be taught with a digital device that will most likely be a fixed or personal possession. School supplied books teach students how to care for and keep track of important items, and while this results in lost books I believe it is a valuable lesson for our schools to teach young people.
In the argument Puyush goes into great detail regarding the cons of Word processing. To respond to this I would say he is completely correct, word processing leaves students without education on spelling and proper sentence structure. Word processing programs today are very complex and even automatically fix problems. The program itself allows laziness and apathy to creep in. Imagine a world where we don’t learn proper spelling and grammar n school. This could happen if we allow the majority of writing in school to take place on computers. Hand writing is a skill and with it so is proper grammar and spelling. If we do switch to a largely digital computerized schooling environment these skills may be lost and at a crucial time in development. Development is the whole purpose of our schooling system and if we don’t have a diversified environment and diverse tools for that development we will be hindering schools ability to develop young people for the world. While I agree that computers are a critical thing and developing skills in regards to this are important as well we need to remember we don’t use computers all the time. In our world we won’t always have that digital device and if we don’t learn how to write, read, and communicate effectively without them than we are losing a crucial skill.

In conclusion I do partial agree with Puyush’s argument however there are some adjustments that need to be made. First off there are quite a bit of grammatical errors and spelling issues. Beyond that thought there are some changes that need to be made to the argument itself. I feel that he focuses to much on the arguments against computers to the point that I forgot what his stance was. The paper needs to focus much more on why computers are a good idea and less the cons. 

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